fml motherhood chapter two

Chapter 2: The Fight for Success

As I am driving to work, my brain is marathoning the upcoming problems and task I need to get done. Today, this week, a month from now and everything in-between.

I promise myself I won’t forget but I know if I don’t write it down, I am going to.

I Scavenge my car for  pen and paper better, but none are found. So, I do my best to repeat the important tasks until I get to my studio.

I am the owner of Temple to Wellness. Which is a dream come true. But it comes with a lot of stressors since I really want it to succeed. My goal is to help as many people as I can achieve their healthy dream life and dress well while doing it. Temple to Wellness is a full force wellness gym with a store front. We offer one on one coaching that includes nutrition, a gym, mindset workshops, community activities, and spiritual temple. We are the go-to place for balanced health.

I walk in the office, coffee in one hand and all my work essentials in the other. My Assistant greets me with an eager smile on his face and his iPad in his hand. He knows when I walk in, I am going to off load my list that I have been repeating as I drove here.

“Sam, remind me to call Sports Authority to see what their progress is on the roll out of our product line. I also need to review payroll, and trouble shoot what we have going on with Stephanie clients.”

Sam replies, “Ok done. Now don’t forget you have the team building meeting for your fitness instructors and nutritionist. Then at 4 pm you have the wrestling matches for Aidan, Chantel, and Jordon.”

“Thank you Sam I completely forgot.” I reply as I walk into my office shutting the door behind me.

I plop into my office chair. Finally, I get to drink my coffee in peace. I let out a big sigh. Abruptly, Stephanie and James walk in arguing about a client’s progress.

Stephanie shouts out, “Lavender can you please tell James that Mrs. Allen needs to eat more carbs in her diet so she will have the energy for the workouts. He keeps saying she won’t lose the weight is she doesn’t go on a low carb diet.”

“James, we eat whole food plant based diet here and that is what the clients want. I know you are new to being a chef for us but please make the meals with the macros that Stephanie lays out for each client. We all have our places within this health community. Stephanie is the nutritionist, you are the cook, Zack is the trainer, Bailey is our mindset and recover coach, Charley is our spiritual leader, and Haden is our community activity director. So please execute the plan.” I reply.

James looks at me with his chef’s hat in hand, “Ok Lavender, sorry for the interference, and thank you for the opportunity.” They both leave the room.

It’s 4 o’clock.

Sam comes rushing into my office, “Ok Lavender it’s time to get you on the road so you can go see your kids wrestle.”

I look up at him with panic, I can’t believe I lost track of time on another project. Sam and I hurry gathering up the things I need to get out of the office. Sam offers to clean up and put everything back just the way I as I scurry out of the room.

I walk in through the school gymnasium doors; Daniel is flagging me down so I can join my family to watch the matches. Realistically I don’t know what I would do without Daniel, he drives me nuts most of the time but we both keep each other on our toes in a good manner of speaking. I get so many compliments from friends, family, and surrounding parents about how much of an amazing power couple we are.

I approach my family and Daniel stands up and guides me to the seat next to his. As we both sit, he leans in and gives me a loving kiss on the forehead.

“So how was your day babe”, Daniel asks.

“It was good, some of the team were arguing today but I think I set some new guidelines for them to follow during our overdue training session.” I reply.

“Well, that’s good. Aidan’s match is up in two more minutes. Chantel has three matches on the board. And Jordan decided that he is going to go back and forth between training both though each match, instead of just sticking with Chantel today.” Daniel states as he passes me Zan Zan. Zan Zan tugs at my shirt trying to get my head in to nurse.

 We began to watch the kids do their own things on the mats. Jordan is sitting in the corner chair as he watches Aidan wrestle. Aidan is matched with this  another kids his size. When the match starts Aidan does a good job getting his opponent on the ground quickly. 

Jordan is now standing and shouting, “Aidan, you got this. Catch his arm and squish him. Your almost there. Keep going bro.”

We call Jordan our father like child because he always looks after the kids. Jordan is our straight A, 23-year-old who is going to college full time to be a doctor while volunteering at both Chanel’s and Aidan’s schools, so he can be an active part in their lives. During the weekend when he needs a little extra money, he works with Daniel doing construction work for some of Daniel’s personal clients. We both are so thankful for Jordan. He helps us keep up with all the younger children. I don’t know what we would do if all the kids ages were closer together. Having the oldest help has been a very big blessing. 

Aidan finally pinned the other kid. Jordan and Aidan are now celebrating the win as they walk over to the mat support Chantel in her match.

Chantel is our 18-year-old. She is a senior this year and is doing amazing in her grades except math. She is 100% a daddy’s girl. She has not had the opportunity to work a traditional job. She also has no ambition to get a car nor a license. She relies heavily on Jordan to take here where she wants and when she wants and Daniel on giving her money for A’s she receives.

It’s Chantel’s turn to wrestle. There are not many girls to wrestle in the surrounding areas so sometimes she wrestles above her weight case. This is the circumstances that she is facing now. Her opponent is one weight class higher than her.

Chantel and her opponent are face to face on the mat. Aidan is standing with his team mates off to the side of the mat. Jordan is sitting in the coach’s corner. The ringer dings starting the match. Chantel struggles to get her opponent down on the ground.  She eventually succeeds in taking her opponent down. Their bodies are locked in a fierce battle as Chantel struggles to pin her opponent down. Coaches on both sides are shouting words of encouragement and adjustments that are needed to succeed in dominating the other opponent. Chantel is doing an amazing job listening to Jordan. The timer has 5 seconds left on the clock as the referee taps the mat saying the Chantel officially pinned her opponent.

Chanel is on her last match. This officially means we are off to state. I am so happy that I got to see the kids in their element. At the end of the event, Aidan won his match and Chantel won two out of three matches. I find it fun when I get to come a see them wrestle. But unfortunately, with Temple to Wellness I miss a lot of family activities and events.  I don’t know about other mom’s however it kills me and makes my heart ache when I miss these moments with the kids which in turn makes my anxiety spike throughout the week.